Well . . . . that’s done.  hahahaahhahahaahahahahahahhahaahahahahahaaha It was a crazy, bizarre, exhilarating, fun, heady, scary, sobering, informative, amazing evening.  Well it wasn’t an evening.  It was a whole freaking day.  I started at 10:30 am and I was packed up and out by about 11:15 pm-ish.  And I basically stopped doing stuff for about 45 minutes in total for the whole day.

When I got there, we had to go through the order of the jackets to see what I’d where and when.  I had already thought it out, cause that’s the kind of guy I am.  Then I was called to the stage to do a mic check which lasted about 15 minutes.  After which, Chris Earle, the amazing writer of the show, Sandra, our director and myself started walking through the script to make sure we all had the correct changes and to talk about any thoughts of changes any of us might have had.  I had been going over and over the script and I had some thoughts of add-ons that we had sort of talked about at a previous meeting.  And Chris had some other suggestions too.  So we decided on stuff that made us laugh the most but that wouldn’t insult too many people. … [Continue reading]


Well, things are clicking along here on the Dora front.  Just trying to get all of the lyrics for the song and the opening monologue in my head.  I’m actually having a great time but holy shite, it’s a lot.  Want to seem off the cuff and delightful but still be entertaining and kooky.  I have a feeling its going to go well.  Whenever something is going to work out, I get little signs from the universe.  Little tests that aren’t hard but just have to be dealt with.  This time . . . its air-conditioning induced laryngitis.    I NEVER have vocal issues but I’ve used the air-conditioning in my apartment twice and both times I’ve lost a part of my voice for a few days.  Hmmm.  Awesome.  It’s coming back but this last time, it happened while I was teaching a class here at the Shaw.

The class (Song Exploration through Text) was from 10 -12 in the morning on Sunday – last day of the week.  Around 11, my throat was feeling a little dry; by 11:15, it was a bit crackly in the upper register; by 11:35 it was weedly; by noon, 3/4 of my upper range was gone. … [Continue reading]