Well, things are clicking along here on the Dora front. Just trying to get all of the lyrics for the song and the opening monologue in my head. I’m actually having a great time but holy shite, it’s a lot. Want to seem off the cuff and delightful but still be entertaining and kooky. I have a feeling its going to go well. Whenever something is going to work out, I get little signs from the universe. Little tests that aren’t hard but just have to be dealt with. This time . . . its air-conditioning induced laryngitis. I NEVER have vocal issues but I’ve used the air-conditioning in my apartment twice and both times I’ve lost a part of my voice for a few days. Hmmm. Awesome. It’s coming back but this last time, it happened while I was teaching a class here at the Shaw.
The class (Song Exploration through Text) was from 10 -12 in the morning on Sunday – last day of the week. Around 11, my throat was feeling a little dry; by 11:15, it was a bit crackly in the upper register; by 11:35 it was weedly; by noon, 3/4 of my upper range was gone. … [Continue reading]