In My Head Blog


Hi y’all.  I always mean to be consistent with the blogs because I quite love writing them, and then I don’t write.  What is that about?  I think so many people have that occurrence where there is something you like to do but you never give yourself the time or take the time to do it.  Well . . . .this is it.  Anyway…. Here I am.  I have so many things in my head but I don’t know where to start.

It has been the most unusual and wonderful and sad year.  I don’t remember the last time I’ve been this busy professionally.  The year started off with the filming of KILLJOYS Season 4 at the end of January.  This season I had lots of fun things to do in this season which is unfolding now so I can’t talk about details or they will have to kill me.  Juuuuuust kidding.

While I was filming that, I was planning and directing Micah Barnes new Las Vegas-themed stage show, MICAH BARNES AT THE SANDS, which went up on May 14 and was a big success. I was also prepping/planning for the production of Stephen Sondheim’s A LITTLE NIGHT MUSIC that I directed for Randolph College for the Performing Arts in August.… [Continue reading]


Hi all,

Once again, I’ve been too long in writing.  This is a blog I wrote on the plane back from Taipei.  Since I wrote it, I felt like might as well publish with the pics for whoever is interested. Here we go:

Well it’s been a while but my God the things that have been going on.  Where to start.  I finished Killjoys but just as I did, I was asked to be in the cast of Porgy and Bess: In Concert for Soulpepper.  For clarity, we didn’t sing specific roles. We sang a variety of the songs – sort of the greatest hits – and there was a narrative written that talked about the making of the original show.  But what a joy to work with this cast.  It’s one of those shows where I can’t believe these crazy, talented people are also my friends – Troy Adams, Neema Bickersteth, Alana Bridgewater and the  wonderful Jackie Richardson.  We had a ball.  And the show did really well.  I don’t know that anyone thought it would sell so well.  So great to sing that material.

And while we were running Porgy and Bess, I was offered the craziest gig. … [Continue reading]


It’s been a little while.  I know I said I would write more . . . . psych!  No… kidding.  I intended to.  But better late than never.  So I finished my last day of filming on Killjoys yesterday.

Amazing how fast 4 months goes by.  Sooooo much …. I can’t tell you about.  🙂 Sorry, kids.  It’s all top secret.  But loads of fun things happen this season.  We get Pree on some missions with the Killjoys, we get some more of his history, a little more of his personal life…. plus more fabulous costumes which you’ll see as we get into the season.

And on Monday, I start teaching again at Randolph Academy for the Performing Arts.  I’m really enjoying teaching and coaching these days.  It’s fun to see students “get” something or watching them figure out new skill sets.

But the really fun news is that I’ll be joining Soulpepper for the first time to perform in PORGY & BESS IN CONCERT.

I’ll be joined by Jackie Richardson, Alana Bridgewater, Neema Bickersteth and Troy Adams as the singers and Walter Borden as narrator.  So thrilled to finally get to sing this music and work with old and new friends. … [Continue reading]


Okay so here we are. The second blog on my new blog spot. Very exciting. I’m sure a lot of folks have seen this. I’ve been posting this all over social media like the loving media-whore that I am. But if you haven’t already, I shot a teaser for a new possible web-series called FACE CANDY about cosmetic counters in a high-end department store. It was hilarious and we laughed all day long.

Here is the teaser:

I play Stefan, the makeup artist for SMAC (yes, you see where that’s going). The whole show is about the cut-throat world of cosmetic sales. And it’s hilarious but they need to get the money to have it made. So if you have 2 minutes and want a huge laugh, watch it/share it/”like” it/comment on it. The more numbers we have, the more reason there is for a producer to put money into it.

Here is a little bit from my character Stefan:

So help a brother out if you wanna see more of my ass on TV. Okay, okay, you’ll see the rest of me too. 😉

In other show related news, I’m going to be doing a Harold Arlen review in August which I’m really excited about.… [Continue reading]

A Fresh Beginning

Woohoo! Welcome to the new website everyone. And a HUUUUUUUGGGGGGEEEEE thank you to Kelly Wong for creating it. I love it. Here is Kelly.

Love him. Call him. Use him.

Anyway, here we are. My brand new website – modern, streamlined, fantastic, purple. And this is the first blog I’ve written in about a year. Holy. Now that I have the new website, I feel inspired to get back to it. I love writing my blogs. But I’ve felt distant from it. It’s time to pull it back together. Especially since I feel all kinds of new energies around me.

So, what’s been going on, you ask? Thanks for asking. Well, it has been quite a year. So picking up from the last entry, we were in the middle of filming season 2 of KILLJOYS which aired in the summer. And my character was back in the fun make-up and costume. Love it.

Well, apparently, it did well enough that we were picked up for a 3rd season which we are filming right now. Love these folks. So lucky that no one is an asshole….truly. Every actor, technician, director, producer is a good person. We have a lot of laughs.… [Continue reading]