
"Her (Toya Alexis') male counterpart, in terms of talent, is (Thom) Allison. His creamy-smooth, calming voice is a huge asset to the devious character he portrays. He lulls us into believing he has the best interest of the Dreamettes, who later become simply the Dreams, in mind. An avaricious con man at heart, it is still hard to hate Curtis, though -- he has the great voice and the looks to match."
Kathy Rumleski
The London Free Press
"Though Toya Alexis is given the top billing and the only great song in the show, the audience is drawn to a collection of singers that raises Canada higher in the world of stage music. It’s easy to say that Thom Allison is one of Canada’s great performers, but he is joined by Jewelle Blackman, Katrina Reynolds, Miss Alexis, Troy Adams and Robert Glean in delivering strong, musical passion..."
Ric Wellwood
Scene Changes