
"The stand out for this production is easily Thom Allison as Oliver Warbucks. While his casting diverges from the standard image of the character, he exhudes an wonderful charm as the indulgent businessman who grows to love the exhuberant Annie with an refreshingly believable progression. To that end, his awkwardness with the new experience in dealing with her has an undeniable charm."
Kenneth Chisholm
Theatre in London
"An impressive element in the Grand's 2004 entry My Way -- A Musical Tribute to Frank Sinatra, Allison here applies his vocal talents to the role of Warbucks, particularly in N.Y.C., a singing tribute to the Big Apple"
Noel Gallagher
The London Free Press
"Thom Allison as Daddy Warbucks displays his velvet singing voice."
Mary Alderson
Stage Door